Activities / Clubs

Book Battle

Students in grades 3-5th and middle school read selected books by the School District of Lee County. The annual Book Battles allow teams from participating schools to compete in a game-show like competition using questions submitted by students and staff based on the 15 titles that were nominated for the Sunshine State Young Readers Award by the Florida Association for Media in Education.

The culminating Jeopardy Event is in May at the Lee County Public Education Center. Students meet during specials to quiz each other on the books to prepare for the event. Before the event, students read as many of the selected books as they can to be prepared for the event.


Fifth Grade Math Club

Meets weekly to provide opportunities for fifth grade students who excel in mathematics to learn and play the 24 game and work in teams to quickly solve challenging math problems. Eventually, a small competition team will be selected from the Club who work well together, whose skill levels will allow them to be successful, and whose behaviors represent NFMAA’s values to compete at the District Fifth Grade Math Competition toward the end of the year. Students are identified based on their prior year’s FSA scores and 5th grade STAR baseline assessments which indicate they excel in mathematics.



Our intramural program offers participation in cross country, basketball, volleyball, soccer, track and golf for our middle school students (grades 6-8). All students with at least a 2.0 grade point average and that have turned in their permission forms may participate. There is generally a two week tryout period for all who come out and then the team will be chosen. Practice is three days a week after school until 4:15, at which point students can be picked up or ride the activity bus. We complete against other middle schools in the district during the fall and spring seasons.  More information can be found at

Leadership Builder’s Club

Our NFMAA Leadership Builder’s Club is a service club sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Fort Myers. Students organize and participate in community service projects such as the Salvation Army’s Canned Food Drive and the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society’s “Pennies for Patients” fundraiser. The club is also involved in helping with our school garden with will grow food to be used by our school or donated to charities.


National Junior Honor Society

The National Junior Honor Society is the nation’s premier organization established to recognize outstanding middle school students. More than just an honor roll, NJHS serves to honor those students who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of scholarship, leadership, service, and character. These characteristics have been associated with membership in the organization since its beginning in 1929. Our chapter demonstrates these characteristics in both our school and community through our participation in Trick-or treating for Golisano children’s hospital, charitable walk-a-thons, our annual Winter Ball, and ushering at various shows.

At NFMAA, students are first invited to apply for membership in the spring of their 6th grade year. Students may also be invited to apply for membership in the spring of 7th grade. The initial invitation is based upon grades and conduct but an invitation does not guarantee acceptance. Members are expected to maintain good grades and excellent conduct.

Odyssey of the Mind

Students develop team building skills by working in group of as many as seven students per team. Students learn to examine problems and to identify real challenge without limiting the possible solution and their potential success. The student’s creative-thinking process is nurtured and developed as a problem-solving tool.


Pre-Pointe / Pointe

Pre-Pointe: is an after school, paid class run through the Arts Enrichment program. This ballet class prepares dance students who have at least two years of ballet training for going “en pointe”. Auditions are held at the start of the year, and are required for admittance. Ballet shoes and “professional dress” dance clothes are required.

Pointe: is an after school, paid class, run through the arts enrichment program and works with students at any level “en pointe”. This specialized class requires at least two years of ballet and an audition before students are allowed to purchase pointe shoes. “Professional dress” dance clothes required.

Science Fair Club

Science fair club meets to discuss student’s projects and will assist students with their projects. Mr. Levine also use this time to assist students with science homework and other science topics. More information on the Regional Science Fair can be found at

Student Council

The purpose of the student council is to give students an opportunity to develop leadership by organizing and carrying out school activities and service projects. In addition to planning events that contribute to school spirit and community welfare, the student council is the voice of the student body.

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